Snotgirl #17 Cover A
Only 1 left in stock
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/8/2025
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/8/2025
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/8/2025
While Lottie navigates the ins and outs of her new relationship, we turn our attention to Caroline's mysterious brother Virgil. Just who the heck is this guy? What does he know? Who knows what he knows? And why? And how? And what? And huh? Only in Snotgirl!
Writer Bryan Lee O'Malley
Artist Leslie Hung
Cover Artist Leslie Hung
The image(s) were provided by the distributor during FOC. The final cover art may differ from images.