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Fall News

NFFF Donation!

First off thank you to everyone who helped us raise over $300 to donate to the NFFF from our Charred Remains #1 Exclusive cover. Plus Bestbuy Contributed with a 40% match to our donation!

Dick Tracy #1 Metal Timed Exclusive

Think of this like a bulk manufacture-on-demand order. The book is 100% ready to go to print. The Pre-orders will drive the final print run.

Dick Tracy #1 Metal Virgin Timed-Exclusive

Now In Stock

Defenders of the Earth #1 Exclusive

Low Print Run!

Limited to 65 Total Copies

  • 40 Trade

  • 20 Virgins

  • 5 Metals

Street Date : TBD

Website Pre-Order Bonus: While Supplies Last, choose from either cover A or The 1987 Defenders of the Earth TPB. Also, you have can Jesse Lundberg, Signed the cover during pre-orders for free.

from $20.00

Charred Remains TPB Bundle

TPB Collects Issues 1-6

Plus our Exclusive for Issue #1

Sale Price: $25.00 Original Price: $30.00
Only 6 left in stock

Charred Remains #1 CGCs have Arrived

Graded Charred Remains #1 CGC SS
from $120.00

Rated : Teen+

Individually Numbered

Ships in Graded Bag

LCS Expansion

In huge news today we have become an official LCS ourselves. We are taking it slowly but are excited about the opportunities this will bring. We are currently revamping our area at Toy Nexus to accommodate the new expansion to our business, displays, digital signage, Spinner Racks, etc. We will be doing weekly releases at Toy Nexus every Friday around 6 pm.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

July News


Gatchaman # 1 Exclusive

Low Print Run!

Limited to 62 Total Copies

  • 40 Trade

  • 20 Virgins

  • 2 Metals (Sold Out)

Street Date : TBD ASAP

Shipped from the printers on 7/12/24

Website Pre-Order Bonus: Comes with Free Cover A for the first 20 Pre-orders on our website.

from $20.00

The Devil That Wears My Face TPB

Collects Issues 1-6

Street Date: July 10th, 2024

Bonus: The bundle price is reduced to come with a free TPB with the purchase of our exclusive for issue #1. Limited to 6 Sets.

Sale Price: $25.00 Original Price: $38.00
Only 3 left in stock


International Shipping

We have removed all of the region blocks on our eBay store. Please note pricing there may be higher due to eBay’s selling fees. Thank you to the eBay customer from France who brought this to our attention. Ebay’s new International shipping platform makes this a breeze so we have opened all countries to be able to buy from our eBay store.

Re-Vamped Categories

We have switched from eBay Categories to our own Store Driven Categories. There are 4 Main categories, Our Exclusives, Graded Comics, Comic Publishers, and Autographs. They have subcategories to filter out items quickly. For example, Graded Comics has CGC, CGC SS, CGC x JSA, CGC Universal, and CBCS. We can only list items in 2 different categories, which does present some limitations but we will choose the 2 that are most important to the listing. For example, a comic that is signed and graded will show up under those categories and not under the publisher.



Unfortunately, we were not selected to be in Artist Alley this year for NYCC. This could change as we are waitlisted but I don’t want to mislead any customers. Currently, we are not attending NYCC this year. However, we will apply next year.

C2E2 2025

We had an incredible time in Chicago this past year and will be applying to return next year. C2E2 2025 will be April 11-13th. We hope to see you there.

Mighty Cons

We have booked our tables for both Madison, WI, and Milwaukee, WI Mighty Cons that are upcoming. Stop in and stay hi. More details can be found on our Events page.

Toy Nexus Toy Show

New Show Announcement: We are returning for this show on Sunday, August 4th, 2024, in Darian Wi. More details to come.

Boston Wicked Con & Chicago Fan Expo

We will be heading to Boston Wicked Con for a week-long trip to hang out with our Artist Jesse Lundberg. Flying back the day into Chicago for Fan Expo before we head home. If there is anyone on either guest list you want us to stop by and see what they have email us at

Store Add-Ons

A new feature of our website under add to cart you will see a curated list of items that may be similar to what you are looking at or additional options that can be applied to the item.

CGC Grading

We now offer CGC grading options as an add-on for your purchase. We will offer Universal (Blue) and CGC x JSA (Yellow & Black) for eligible items. We have already had customers utilize this feature and it works beautifully.

Comic Protection

For those who may want to add a little extra to their comic for storage or display protection. It is available on all raw single issues that we sell. This is not intended to be purchased without a comic.

Comic Protection Add-On
from $3.00


We have added an option to allow for customers to add on to the donation we make with additional tress purchased.

2 Extra Trees Planted Order Add-On

For more information

$0.50 per tree

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Springing Ahead

Dick Tracy #1 C2E2 Virgin Variants - SOLD OUT

We still have a few signed/unsigned and remarked trades left.

Original Art - Available Now!

In conjunction with the artist, Jesse Lundberg. We are now selling his Original Art for our Exclusive Covers. Each purchase of an original cover will come with a matching signed comic, while supplies last. Filter our Shop by Original Art to see Jesse’s Incredible Art.

Dick Tracy #1 C2E2 Santana Collectibles Cover OA
Only 1 left in stock

2024 Convention Schedule

We have our eyes set on attending the following conventions this year. I will update this list as more changes occur.

Our Events page is now live! This will be home to listing all our Shows, Sales, and Streams in one place.

Wisconsin Website Sales

Direct sales on our web store have been open to our home state of Wisconsin! We are now registered and compliant to collect and remit sales tax for purchases shipped in the state of Wisconsin. Sales taxes will be automatically applied at checkout with any shipping zip codes assigned to the state of Wisconsin.

Future Expansion

We have met with a couple of local shops to work out our plans to open up another booth closer to our home area. More news to come as we work through the finer details but it will happen before this coming Fall. Stay Tuned.

Upcoming Projects

Jesse is hard at work on two more projects that we are excited about. One is with Mad Cave Studios and the other is for an upcoming Kickstarter coming soon.


After staying in vacation mode for a couple of months to see how the recent policy changes would impact the platform. We have decided to remove our inventory from Mercari effective immediately. It wasn’t an easy decision to make but a necessary one as I do not believe they were the right changes to make. Mercari used to be our best-selling platform but with the rising costs, passing the burden of fees onto the buyer, and changes in the return policy being a smaller business that attempts to protect its customers I can’t stand by and remain silent. We tried to lower all our pricing to compensate the buyer for the fees being shifted to them instead of us. However, this isn’t a long-term solution as it’s another variable to consider as we cross-post and manage inventory across 4 platforms even with tools to help us it’s an administrative headache. Also as a buyer, I am not a fan of “hidden” fees and that is what it feels like to me since you don’t see the real price until you are checking out.


Since we now have Whatnot marketplace integration with our inventory software. We will be cross-posting all our listings into our marketplace store there in the coming weeks. We might also try a few anytime auctions! I am hopeful to start streaming again once I get our inventory back under control again from the recent shows.

We finally did it! Nothing like being late to the party. Our Link Tree is live with all our important links all in one spot. Check it out right here.

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C2E2 & Website 2.0

C2E2 2024

We have officially been selected to have a table in Artist Alley at C2E2 this year! This is a huge step for Jesse of Lundberg Graphics and us. We have an awesome idea in the works to make our first show something to remember. More news coming soon. For now, here is our Save the Date!

Behind The Scenes

If you would like a peek behind the curtain of projects Jesse is working on, please consider joining his Patreon. There are 2 tiers currently available:

  • $5 - Digital Access to the News/Posts

  • $25 - Digital Access and a custom Sketch Card (OA) Created for you

Website Changes

Instagram Chat pop-up

Every day between the hours of 10 am - 9 pm CST there will be an Instagram chat button visible in the lower left corner of your screen. That will send you directly into Instagram messaging where we will try and respond as fast as possible. If it is after hours the best way to reach us is still via Instagram still but you will need to go to the app directly. Outside of these hours, we may not respond until the next day.

Promotional Pop-ups

You may have noticed that we now have a pop-up when you load the main page. It will highlight a featured item that we are promoting. Usually, this will be our newest Exclusive or an item tied to a Charity Event we are running. Our current one is featuring Charred Remains #1 which Benefits the NFFF!

Improved Reviews Page

We now have our eBay reviews interfaced directly with our website allowing you to see the reviews and an AI-generated summary. The only reviews we filter out are if we are the buyer. Nothing else is hidden to be fully transparent. This system is updated dynamically on its own in real time.

Store Changes

  • Slide Out Cart - You no longer have to load another page to see your cart. It will pop out over the top of your page when you click the cart button.

  • Filtering Options - We have replaced the breadcrumbs with filtering options to help you narrow down our items quickly and easily. On the desktop, there will be drop-downs at the top of the page. On mobile devices, there will be a button that will slide out the filtering options.

  • Celebrity Autographs - Celebrity autographs are here! We will slowly be adding our backstock of inventory as time allows.

  • Changed from Zoom to Lightbox - When you click on an image, this will load a pop-up of the images full screen instead of having to scroll around with the zoom tool

Upcoming Plans

Garding Against Cancer

We have signed up to be a sponsor for the Janesville Parker & Craig High School Charity Basketball game. The game will be on Feb 8th, 2024 at 7:15 pm at Craig High School in Janesville, WI. More information on the charity can be found here.


2024 Conventions

We have filed applications to bring our cover artist, Jesse Lundberg to a couple of Artist Alleys in the Greater Southern Wisconsin area. We are patiently awaiting the news to see if we were approved. If we get in, we have some very big news to announce. Stay tuned!

Toy Nexus Improvements

We have made some significant upgrades to our area at Toy Nexus. Recently, we have moved into a bigger space and added more displays to allow for us to bring in more inventory.

General Hours (Check their Facebook before heading out)

  • Wed 4 pm - 8 pm

  • Fri 4 pm - 8 pm

  • Sat 10 am - 8 pm

  • Sun 10 am - 5 pm

Custom Merchandise

We have started to look into making our T-Shirts and it could lead to some awesome ideas of having custom art designs created for our shop. More to come as we finalize the plans and equipment required. This was born out of the idea of having to buy company shirts to wear at cons. While we looked at 3rd party services to provide this, I felt like I wanted ours to have a personal touch and be created by us.

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Exclusive Palooza

Jesse Lundberg Santana Collectibles Exclusive Variant for Charred Remains #1 From Mad Cave Studios

Charred Remains #1

Sent to the Printers, Pre-orders are still open but these numbers are now set in stone. The metals are extremely limited. If you would like one don’t wait. Sales Benefit the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation. As of 11/16, we are down to (2) Glow in the dark metals and (5) Black Light metals left. Signed / Remarked / CGC SS Options Coming Soon.

The final Print Run will be

  • 100 Trade Dress Paper

  • 10 Trade Metals

  • 8 Virgin BlackLight Metals

  • 5 Virgin Orange Glow-in-the-dark-Metals

    Street Date 12/13/2023

Jesse Lundberg Santana Collectibles Exclusive Variant for Vampirella Dracula Rage #4 From Dynamite

Vampirella / Dracula Rage #4

Final Trade Dress Reveal! This will be our first exclusive from Dynamite and we are sharing the exclusive with Two Lane Blacktop out of Indiana. It is a Homage to the 1931 Dracula Movie Poster. Signed / Remarked / CGC SS Options coming soon.

Print Run Limited

  • 500 paper - shared between Two-Lane, Lundberg Graphics, and ourselves.

    Street Date 12/13/2023

Jesse Lundberg Santana Collectibles Exclusive Variant for The Devil That Wears My Face  #1 From Mad Cave Studios

The Devil That Wears My Face #1

Out Now! We have a very limited amount of Remarked and/or Signed copies available in both Cardstock and Metal. Example of a signed and Remarked one. CGC SS Options will be arriving within the next couple of weeks.

Print Run

  • 100 Trade Dress Paper

  • 20 Trade Dress Metals

Jesse and Erin Lundberg Santana Collectibles Exclusive Variant for One-Shot #1 From Elegato Comics

J. Tamimi’s One-Shot #1

We were just notified that this is currently being printed! If you are a fan of Jesse Lundberg’s you will not want to miss this. It will be the first published collaboration with his 6-year-old daughter Erin. Signed, 2x Signed, 3x Signed with Remarks coming soon.

Print Run

  • 45 Paper

Stay Tuned for more exciting news from the One-Shot Universe!

Con Apperance!

We will be setup at Mighty Con in Madison, Wisconsin.

  • When: Sunday Dec 10th, 2023

  • Time : 10am -5pm

  • Where : Monona Terrace Exhibit Hall, 1 John Nolan Drive, Madison WI 53703

  • Booth : C-10

  • Tickets : at the door or online

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Fall 2023 Updates

1st Physical Location!

On Saturday the 23rd, We opened a booth at Toy Nexus in Darian, WI. This is our first location for physical sales. Please note: their hours can vary from week to week. Check out their Facebook page before making the drive out. This will be home for our retailer exclusives. We look forward to expanding our offerings there in the coming weeks.

Address: 18 W Beloit St, Darien, WI 53114


Whatnot Giveaway Party!

We have a slot on the next Giveaway party on whatnot Saturday, October 7th @ 8 pm cst. All you need is an account on whatnot and you can join the fun. Start Time is 5 pm cst. There will be 28 sellers taking part in the party. We are each given a 15-minute time slot to do our giveaways before we hand it off to the next seller. Our Buy it now will be loaded with discounted rates and best of all we will have free shipping on anything purchased during our time slot.

Bookmark the stream now and don’t miss out on your chance at some free items to add to your collection!

Exclusive Variants

Status Update: Shipped from the printers!

The Devil That Wears My Face #1

We have approved the mockups from the printer and they are in line to be printed. We are hoping to have them in time for the street date. Print Run is limited to 100 Cardstock and 20 Metals. These are going to be split between us and the cover artist. We will have 50 Cardstock copies and only 8 Metals available for purchase. I am keeping one metal for my Personal Collection and sending another to a dear friend who designed our logo. Fun Fact this will be our 1st Non-shared Exclusive, 1st Metal Exclusive, and 1 Exclusive with our logo printed on the back cover.

New Accouncement! JTamimi’s One-Shot #1

Our next store exclusive heading to the printers soon will be for Jimmy Tamimi’s self-published book, One-Shot #1. We have the awesome pleasure of a father/daughter collaboration for the cover art, Jesse and Erin Lundberg. This will be the first cover work for Erin Lundberg, Jesse’s Daughter, who is only 7 years old. We will have 2 different options available a full colored cover and a sephia tone cover. We are working out the details of the exact print run. Follow us on Instagram as we announce more you don’t want to miss adding this to your growing collection of our Exclusives.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Summer 2023 Updates

1 Year Whatnot Anniversary Stream

Update: Postponed to 8/29 @ 7:05PM CST but no worries it is still happening!

We have a big Whatnot giveaway stream coming up on 8/22 @ 7:05 pm CST where we will be giving away original art! Currently, I have 2 artists lined up to co-host with us and we will be giving away over $300 in commissions drawn live for the winners. I may sprinkle in more surprises and giveaways as more viewers bookmark and join us live. Bookmark the stream here


We do not intend to explode your inbox with multiple emails in short periods of time. For now, they will be few and far between when we have something exciting to announce like a new exclusive or partnership. Eventually, I would like to use it to share behind-the-scenes content of our exclusives. If you wish to receive these emails either create a login on the site and enroll at check-out or you can sign up at the bottom of our home page.

Chicago Fan Expo

We will be attending Chicago Fan Expo August 10th-13th, picking up new autographs and collectibles for you all. Stay tuned to my Whatnot streams where they will first be available to add to your collections. If you are attending the con and wish to meet up there, DM us on Instagram. We would love to meet you!

Mighty Con Madison

We will have a vendor table this winter for Mighty Con in Madison, Wi. Fair warning their website is not the greatest for mobile browsing. Check out the show here from a computer for the best experience.

When: Sunday, Dec. 10th, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Where: Monona Terrace Exhibit Hall, 1 John Nolan Drive, Madison WI 53703

Cost: “Adults are just $8 for a full day of fun, and kids 12 and under are FREE.  But you don’t just get admission for that.  Every person who attends Mighty Con will get a free comic book at the door to get their day started off right.” - Mighty Con

New Exclusive

We are hard at work on another exclusive with Jesse Lundberg. However, I can not reveal more than that at the moment. I can say it is a collaboration that we are excited about and for all the new opportunities it can present. The one hint I can give is we are sticking with the horror genre. More to announce soon!


We are now on Threads (which is the latest social platform from the creators of Instagram). Keep an eye out for new posts coming soon. We will be using Threads to showcase our time at Fan Expo in the coming days. Please be patient with us as we all learn and navigate this new platform.

Artists Page

We have created a page for artists we have either worked with or purchased pieces from with links to the best places to reach them at. These are fantastic people who are awesome to their clients. Please take a look at their portfolios and don’t hesitate to ask for a commission.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Upcoming Con

We have been added to the vendor lineup for the Comicverse Comic Convention & Toy Show at the New Berlin Ale House in New Berlin, Wisconsin this Sunday 7/23/23 10 am-3 pm. Feel free to stop by and say hi. We will have our 1st exclusive available at a discounted price if you are in the area.

Admission is $4 and kids under 12 are free

16000 W. Clevland Ave New Berlin, Wi 53151

Comicverse Convention & Toy Show at New Berlin Ale House

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

May News Drop

Hello everyone,

It’s been a bit since our last post and so much has happened. I broke up the news into different categories to highlight all the recent changes.

First Exclusive CGCs

Milestone Moment for us! We have received our first-ever CGC Yellow Labs for our shared exclusive of Hack Slash Vs Seance Room from CGC with Santana Collectibles on the labels. It’s an incredible feeling holding one of these with all the things that we have accomplished in a relatively short time. I can not thank our customers and Jesse enough for making this dream come to life. This is just the tip of the iceberg as we have more exciting plans in the work. If you would like to see the first slabs we have for sale they are live in our webstore. For the personal collection flex, here is the one I will be keeping…..forever.

Hack Slash vs Seance Room CGC SS 9.8 Triple Headshot Remark

Triple Headshot Remark


We‘ve received our first batch of COAs from the printers. They are fantastic! Jeese Lundberg, who is also our go-to for Graphic Designing, did an incredible job with the layout. I wanted to include a few features you may not have with other COAs. Each one is assigned a specific Certification Code, which can be referenced on our site here. Please note this system is only for items we have witnessed or facilitated the signing of. They will not come with items that we have not participated in obtaining the signatures on.

Example of a COA from Santana Collecibles

Example of COA

Web Shop is open!

After doing some more research we are able to open our Web store for orders shipped directly to 47 states.

Visit our store here

These states are not open for direct sales yet.

  • Alaska

  • Hawaii

  • Wisconsin

If you would like these states to be added sooner, please email us and let us know. If there is a demand for it I will move a little faster on what we need to make it happen. For now, the shop will consist of items that we have multiples of or are higher priced like metals, foils, signed books, and most importantly our exclusives, etc. However, by buying direct you will have access to the lowest prices across our platforms. It’s a lot of work to add new listings and it isn’t efficient to use it to sell all items at least until we can integrate our inventory software into our website. To see all the items we have available, I would still use our stores on Mercari, eBay, and whatnot.

Shipping via USPS and UPS is available. If you would like FedEx to be an option, please tell us, and I will look into it.

More items will be added over the coming days.

C2E2 2024 Campaign

We have our hearts set on a table at C2E2 in 2024. We are looking to sponsor Jesse Lundberg of LundbergGraphics and procure him a table in Artist Alley, where we will be assisting him. If you wish to help us please fill out the guest request form here and let them know you wish to see “Jesse Lundberg from Lundberg Graphics”. Please only send 1 request per person as we want to show interest from multiple people not flood their inboxes from one as that would probably hinder our chances.

Thank you all for everything!

Guest Request form for C2E2 2024

C2E2 Guest Request Form

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

C2E2 and Beyond!

Recap and a look forward

Another year is in the books for the incredibleness of C2E2. We had a fun, jammed packed time in Chicago this year. You can see recent pictures of some of the talent I had the pleasure of meeting on my Instagram. I was able to obtain over 70 signatures while we were there and once I filter out what is staying in my collection I will have some items for sale on our whatnot streams. Coming up I have a friend who will help us at Wicked Con in Boston and I am planning to attend Phenoix Fan Fusion and Chicago Fan Expo. It will be an exciting year!

Triple Signed Exclusive

Speaking of Boston, I am sending our Tim Seeley signed Exclusive back to Jesse Lundberg the cover artist. He and Ben Goldsmith the creator of Seance Room will sign them at Wicked Con in Boston. Allowing us to have a very small amount of triple-signed copies available on our whatnot streams in May. Keep an eye out for upcoming shows.

Coming Soon

I am creating COAs for the items we witness being signed. I have gone back and forth on ideas with this. Ultimately, I want them to carry weight and have more meaning behind them besides being a piece of paper that is a generic mass-produced item. My hope is this will help us stand apart from the crowd and add an extra layer of validity to our items. If we do not witness it, we will not include one of our COAs or post it to our online site ever.

  • I have a graphic designer working on ideas to help us stand out.

  • Full Color - Double Sided

  • Spots for us to manually fill out the details for the signed item.

    • Item

    • Date Signed

    • Signed By

    • Certification Code

  • Finally, I will have a page on my website where you can verify the details of an item with the certification code.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

1st Exclusive!

I am excited to unveil our first shared exclusive with Lundberg Graphics! Seance Room Hack Slash a One Shot Crossover issue. It is a limited print run of 200 and we will have the whole gambit of options available soon. They will come with custom COAs to designate the limited print run. These will also ship in mylar bags for an extra touch once we are ready to open orders. I am beyond proud of the work Jesse has performed to make this all happen. Please show him some love on his link tree for all of his platforms. These will be available exclusively on our whatnot channel first before I put them up on our other marketplaces.

  • Raw

  • Signed by the Cover Artist Jesse Lundberg

  • Signed and Remarked by the Cover Artist

  • Graded

  • Double Signed by Jesse and Tim Seeley!

  • Possibly Triple signed with the writer Ben Goldsmith

Cover Image of Hack Slash vs Seance Room Comic Our First Exclusive

Cover by Jesse Lundberg

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

David Nakayama Night

I will have my first artist-centered stream this Thursday, March 16th at 6:30 pm CST on our whatnot channel. I will have over 80 David Nakayama comic books up for grabs in the auctions. Please stop in and say hi.

  • metals

  • foil stamped

  • Cover As

  • Variants

  • Exclusives

  • Autographed Books

  • and even a ratio.

WhatNot Stream Link

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Exclusives Incoming

Coming soon to my Whatnot streams will be an exclusive limited print run art print. I purchased a piece of original art from Jesse Lundberg that I thought would make a great mini print to offer to my customers. He was kind enough to redesign the art digitally to make it printer-friendly and it will be available to purchase soon.

Now, I did mention exclusives as in plural in the header. You might be asking what is the other one? Currently, at the printers right now is my very first shared exclusive variant cover comic also in conjunction with Jesse. We both will have signed, remarked, and CGC slabs available for purchase in our streams in the coming months. I might even be able to get a few signed by the creator of the characters as well. We are still finalizing the details and I can't wait to unveil the artwork to you all.

Teases of the Backs Below Stay tuned for the reveals coming soon!

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Change of Plans

After consulting with the Dept. of Revenue in my state, I have decided against moving forward with self-hosting a web store. We will be updating our website shortly to reflect the change. Ultimately, the benefits of cutting out the marketplaces don’t outweigh the administrative load that would be put on us. I will revisit the idea in the future but for now, it is being tabled.

We are putting a greater effort into our whatnot streams and will try to have a weekly stream every Thursday at 6:30 pm CST.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Marketplace Updates


Mecari has notified us that the shipping rates are changing on 2/15/2023. Please note unless a listing shows free shipping all shipping charges are controlled by Mercari and those funds go directly to them to purchase the shipping label. To help combat the rise in shipping rates please try their new Bundling Feature. We can usually package up to 3 normal-size comics under the 1lb limit before an incase in shipping would occur.

Shipping Update: Here

Bundling Feature: Here


We have updated our store’s banner and profile picture.


Going forward we will have a whatnot stream at least every Thursday 6:30-7:30 pm CST. Every week we will have a different section of Comics\Collectibles in the auction list and the buy-in now. Please stop in and stay hi.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Whatnot Returns!

I am returning to whatnot this Thursday (2/2/23) from 6:30-7 pm CST. I have streamlined and shortened the streams. The new format will be condensed from the massive streams I was originally doing. I want this to be a way to interact and engage with you all. Please never feel pressured to buy anything, feel free to come in and chat. I will have co-hosts from time to time where it’s more of an interview. We will talk about different things from inside the comic industry to our personal lives and beyond. Each stream will have different listings from the previous week’s stream to keep it fresh. Please feel free if there is anything you would like to see on the show in the future or any suggestions you have on things to try.

Link to the stream

P.S. I have some very exciting news to share shortly. Stay Tuned!

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

A look Back and Ahead

2022 Recap

I want to thank everyone that has been on this journey with me. No matter if you are here for the first time or a repeat buyer. Each and everyone one of you is valued and appreciated. I wouldn’t be here without your support or interest and your passion for collecting!

I’ve had a ton of first this past year, I suppose that is common with organizations when they are starting. Looking back at all the steps it’s taken to get here. I am in awe at everything that has been accomplished. A huge shout out to some good friends of mine for all the help they have provided along the way. If you need any commissions please check out My Original Artist page and follow their Instagram’s, feel free to even DM and let them know you appreciate their work too!

2023 Look ahead

I have a lot of really cool projects in the works for the coming year but I can’t speak to them just yet. More to Come in the coming months as the details are finalized but I am looking forward to sharing the news as soon as I can.

Web Store Delays

Tax laws are tricky to navigate in our state. I will meet with a few advisors next month to see what is feasible. I ultimately would love to sell directly to you. This way I can split the extra profit with you the buyer roughly it would be 5% as most platforms take 8-10% of every Sale. However, I need to make sure I am doing everything by the book to get no surprises at the end of the year. I wish we were in a state without sales tax, but we are not. Once I know if it is manageable I will provide another update if hosting my web store is an option I can handle.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

1st WhatNot Stream!

I am finally taking the plunge and streaming my first WhatNot show. I owe a huge thank you to LundbergGraphics for giving me the push I needed to do this. I will be on at 5:45 pm CST tonight August 11th. If you haven’t heard of whatnot before it’s like QVC for the new Generation. Feel Free to drop in and hang out.

Tonight’s Show

  • Roughly 50 Items for auction. A mixture of DC, Marvel, and Dynamite raw comics

  • A few pieces of original art, if these sell I have a few more I can add live during the show.

  • 20 graded slabs in the Buy it Now (No Auction set Prices)

  • Top loaders will be included free of charge for raw comics that sell for at least $50 (Until I run out)

    • Otherwise in the Buy it Now there will be some for sale as well if you would like one applied to your purchase.

What Not Tips

  • What Not automatically discounts shipping on additional purchases after you buy your 1st item as long as it’s during the same show.

    You can set up an account for free to watch and chat on streams.

  • You only have to add a payment method if you want to bid or buy items.

  • Before bidding (Live Auctions) always click on shipping info to see the shipping cost which is set by the item’s weight.

    • Buy it now items will let you verify the total purchase price with shipping before the order is placed.

  • If you Sign up with my link we both will get a $10 credit for Whatnot.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Upcoming Cons

The next few weeks are going to be incredible. This weekend I will be selling at Comicverse in New Berlin, Wi. Feel Free to stop by and check out my tables. I am going to be learning a lot this week and hopefully will be attending another one in Madison later this year.

New Berlin Ale House
16000 W. Cleveland Ave.
New Berlin, WI 53151

$3 Admission per Person + Kids 12 & Under get in free
Sunday July 24th, 2022
10 am - 3:00 pm CST

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I will be heading to my first con as well. C2E2 is going to be an awesome experience. Hopefully, I can secure some nice additions to the inventory.

I wanted to let everyone know that I will be pausing sales on eBay and Mercari starting July 21st until I get back from the cons and can update my inventory to be accurate. If there is anything you would like I wouldn’t wait too long. I plan on taking everything I can with me to Comicverse.

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Chris Santana Chris Santana

Final Logo Reveal!

Final Logo of Santana Collectibles LLC Revealed

Just finished from a good friend of mine.

You will start to see the website changing to match the new color scheme. Along with it making its way to all of my platforms. He did a fantastic job!

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