Jenny Sparks, Vol. 1 #6 Leirix Variant
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/15/2025
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/15/2025
Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better
Street Date : 1/15/2025
DON'T MISS THE PENULTIMATE ISSUE OF TOM KING AND JEFF SPOKES' GRIPPING STORY! An all-out brawl erupts between Captain Atom and Jenny Sparks when she uses his traumatic memories against him! Could this shattered hero with the powers of a god be ready to take every-thing down with him? Has Jenny finally gone too far? Find out in our pulse-pounding penultimate issue!
Writer Tom King
Artist Jeff Spokes
Cover Artist Lesley 'Leirix' Li
Editor in Chief Marie Javins
The image(s) were provided by the distributor during FOC. The final cover art may differ from images.