Borderlands: Moxxi's Mysterious Memento #2 Norton Cover A

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Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better

Street Date : 12/18/2024

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Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better

Street Date : 12/18/2024

Comic Protection Add-On

Brand new from distributor 9.2 or better

Street Date : 12/18/2024


Amara and her new companions, Ziff and Varun, head into Rancid City to seek Moxxi's stolen statue and the thief, Lyle. But finding anything in this city is quite the task. They're going to need some help... and hope trouble doesn't find them first.


Writer Amy Chu

Artist Mike Norton

Cover Artist Mike Norton

Colorist Heather Breckel

Letterer Deron Bennett


The image(s) were provided by the distributor during FOC. The final cover art may differ from images.